Join us for Session 4 of this six–part series as we develop the crosswalks between the Phius REVIVE and LF CORE standards. The REVIVE standard moves Phius beyond energy performance to account for the embodied and operational Carbon impact in its project performance optimization. Both look to the long-term goals of net zero energy and zero carbon; taking a holistic view of the home’s function, use, and purpose.
In this session we will explore how active systems decisions including appliances, HVAC and renewable energy, affect building performance, Carbon impact, resilience, and survivability. We will discuss how they both align with LEED for Homes. Networking and lecture will be followed by a hands-on workshop focused on survivability in a South Philly rowhouse renovation.
This six-part learning series explores the criteria of and synergies between the new Phius REVIVE and Living Future’s CORE programs. Join Green Building United’s Passive House and Living Future Communities to explore how to apply these certification programs to an existing, gut-rehab rowhouse.