The Delaware Pathways to Green Schools program, a program to support schools with sustainability initiatives and goals, awarded mini grants to nine Delaware K-12 schools.

Led by Green Building United, a green building education and advocacy nonprofit, and funded by Energize Delaware, the Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility, the program invited schools to submit creative grant proposals that demonstrate how each project will educate and engage students, families, and the community in the discussion about energy consumption and climate change.

“It’s exciting to provide funding for the Green Teams at these schools.  We are proud to be able to help them expand their programs and increase the students’ hands on engagement as they learn about sustainability and energy efficiency.” Suzanne Sebastian

This year’s mini grants recipients include six public schools and three private schools across the state:

Delcastle Technical High School: Awarded funding to provide matching funds to install electric vehicle charging stations.

St. Anne’s Episcopal School: Awarded funding to continue ongoing energy efficiency projects by replacing old light fixtures with LEDs.

Appoquinimink High School: Awarded funding to install a native plant garden with interpretive signage.

Forwood Elementary School: Awarded funding to hold an energy expo for school students and families to learn about energy efficiency.

St. Andrew’s School: Awarded funding to create a composting program that will save energy and reduce waste.

Odyssey Charter School: Awarded funding to install a greenhouse to continue producing locally grown food year around.

Welch Elementary: Awarded funding for seeds and plants to continue a native plant and food garden.

Brandywine Springs Elementary: Awarded funding to provide students with energy testing equipment and activities.

The Pilot School: Awarded funding to install a water bottle filling station to promote the use of reusable water bottles instead of disposables.

Schools participating in the Delaware Pathways to Green Schools Program work toward achieving certification and national recognition through Eco-Schools USA and the U.S. Department of Education’s Green Ribbon Schools Award.


About Green Building United 

Green Building United, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is committed to promoting sustainable building in Greater Philadelphia, the Lehigh Valley and Delaware. Through education and advocacy, Green Building United aims to create a sustainable, healthy and resilient built environment for all. Green Building United offers it members and partners a wide variety of resources, tools and events to help them stay informed of the latest green building news and trends. For more information, visit and connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.


About Energize Delaware 

Energize Delaware is a unique non-profit that helps Delawareans save money through clean energy and energy efficiency. Its programs provide energy education and financial incentives to Delaware residents, businesses, nonprofits, government facilities, farms, faith organizations and schools. Find a program to fit your needs at


To learn more about the program and apply, visit our website or email