Building Codes | Act 36 of 2017
BIG NEWS on building code adoption in Pennsylvania.
On May 1, the Review and Advisory Council produced its report on its re-review of the 2015 International Codes. Their recommendations will comprise the updated Uniform Construction Code which will take effect on October 1, 2018.
The result? The supportive public comments you submitted in February made an impact! While the review process provided opportunities to weaken energy efficiency, the RAC gave supermajority support to several critical residential energy code provisions that had been challenged, in particular. Overall, this is an important victory for consumers in Pennsylvania who have for too long been spending money to waste energy.
Still, some provisions were amended or deleted, but the number was few relative to the ease with which opponents of modernization could submit challenges. For a comprehensive review of the implications of the provisions that were not recommended by the RAC, please check out a helpful blog post by our friends at Green Building Alliance.
Common Conservation Agenda
The Pennsylvania Common Conservation Agenda was circulated to all gubernatorial candidates with recommendations for executive actions that can be taken to improve Pennsylvania’s environment. Green Building United signed in support of the “Bolster the Commonwealth’s Clean Energy Sector” section of the agenda. The agenda was released at a press event in Harrisburg on May 1.
C-PACE | SB 234
Commercial PACE – a financing mechanism that enables low-cost, long-term funding for construction, renovation, or retrofitting of energy efficient technology or clean energy systems – has already passed the Senate.
On May 1, the House Commerce Committee voted the bill out of committee favorably. Next up – the House floor!
Solar Borders | Act 40 of 2017
Language to require that all Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) purchased in fulfillment of the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards (AEPS) Program originate in Pennsylvania passed into law as Act 40 of 2017.
Despite its passage into law, the Public Utility Commission (PUC) recently ruled on an interpretation issue around the legislative language to close solar borders in Pennsylvania. Fortunately, the PUC sided with the lawmakers’ intent over the technical language in the bill, preserving last year’s victory for Pennsylvania’s solar market!
State of Delaware
D-PACE | SB 113
Delaware’s Commercial PACE bill – D-PACE – has hit a snag.
When SB 113 was brought to the Senate floor for debate, an amendment was approved requiring a 3/4 vote of the Senate for passage. As a result, the bill was pulled from the floor and will be brought back up at a yet-to-be-determined date.